Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Sealed copy of 'Super Mario Bros. 2' sells for $88,550 in estate sale

Sealed copy of 'Super Mario Bros. 2' sells for $88,550 in estate sale

By: Mary Sosebee 

In our technologically innovated world, many avid gamers keep their focus on what is new. Super Marios Bros have been featured in over 200 different games, consistently giving fans a new take on the original 1985 Super Marios game. 

Just as new versions of Super Mario Bros are highly valued by wide-eyed kids around the world, original and unsealed copies of Super Mario Bros from the 1990s do not go unnoticed by enthusiasts.


An auction house handling an estate sale for a recently deceased Indiana woman said a sealed copy of 1988 video game Super Mario Bros. 2 sold for a whopping $88,550. 

Harritt Group Inc. said workers going through Patricia Martin's Floyd Knobs home to find items to list for the estate sale discovered a box of Nintendo Entertainment System games in the back of a walk-in closet.

"At first glance, it was a comforting wave of classic Nintendo nostalgia. All the classics were there, Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt, Qix, and even an NES console. So, we did what any children of the 1990s would do: we fired up the console and tested the open games. It was a great day," Harritt Group said in its description of the item.

"At a second glance, it was something else entirely. The seemingly ordinary collection included an extraordinary unopened copy of Super Mario Bros. 2."

The unopened copy of the Super Mario Bros. 2 game was assessed by Wata Games in Denver, which gave it a 9.8 A+ rating -- the second highest score it could receive, the auction house said.

The game ended up selling for $88,550 to a Florida businessman.

Highly Valued 

Super Mario Bros. 2 came about after Nintendo of America deemed Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels too difficult for Western audiences, which led Nintendo to redevelop the Family Computer Disk System game Yume Kลjล: Doki Doki Panic into a Super Mario Bros. game for the international release. 

In July, a sealed copy of 1996 game Super Mario 64 set a world record in, when it was auctioned for $1.56 million.

An anonymous buyer paid the $1.56 million for a 25-year-old copy of Super Mario 64 in its original packaging, a record price for a video game, according to the auction house that sold it.

Heritage Auctions said that it received 16 bids leading up to and during the live auction on Sunday for the mainly pristine condition 3-D Super Mario game, which sold for about $60 when it was released in 1996 and was the best-selling game for the Nintendo 64 console.

Super Mario 64 is a 1996 platform game for the Nintendo 64 and the first Super Mario game to feature 3D gameplay. It was developed by Nintendo EAD and published by Nintendo. Super Mario 64 features 3-dimensional freedom of movement within a large open world based on 3D polygons.

The top bid was $1.3 million, according to Heritage Auctions, which added a buyer’s premium of 20 percent to the gavel price to bring the total to $1.56 million.

At the time, the price sent shock waves through gaming and collecting circles, even after a recent uptick in five- and six-figure sales of rare video games to investment-minded buyers.

The sale was announced just two days after Heritage Auctions said that an early production copy of The Legend of Zelda from 1987 had sold for $870,000.

The auction came just two days after the previous record was set by a copy of The Legend of Zelda, which fetched $870,000 on July 9, 2021.

Legend of Zelda

The 34-year-old unopened copy of the “Legend of Zelda” was sold via auction, and it fetched $870,000 at Heritage Auctions. The still-sealed rare version of the Nintendo game was not opened since it was purchased in 1987, and it was one of the units that were made on limited production for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). 

“Legend of Zelda” is a popular game that was first developed and released by Nintendo in 1986. It is a fantasy action-adventure video game franchise that was created by Takashi Tezuka and Shigeru Miyamoto, who are famous Japanese game designers.

Related Stories:

Super Mario Bros. 2 video game sells for $88,550

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Zoom: An Unprecedented Diffusion

Trailing the widely popular invention of the first camera phone, the flash drive, bluetooth, the iPhone, Facebook, and Youtube at the beginning of the twenty first century, the video conferencing platform, Zoom, which was released in 2013 had many innovations to compete with. Other platforms such as Skype were already on the rise prior to the release of Zoom, which presented a challenge as the creators of Zoom aimed for success. By the time Zoom was first advertised to the public, Skype already had over 250 million users per month with many years of experience ahead of Skype to work out kinks in the platform.

In the midst of a competitive market of virtual platforms similar to Zoom, the idea of capitalism is a driving force that pushed existing and emerging companies to be better and reach more users every day. To be at the top, innovators had to constantly be ready to make changes and improvements to their inventions because if they were too slow someone else could get there first. So, for Zoom to emerge in popularity and surpass the experimental phase of the theory of Innovation Diffusion, it took Eric Yuan’s strategic development and marketing of his video conferencing platform. Using his experience working for Cisco’s Webex platform, Yuan wanted to venture on his own to create Zoom, and fix several of the things he did not like about Webex and Skype. Focused on creating a more perfect video conferencing experience no matter what device someone is calling in on and creating a simple platform was Yuan’s priority when he decided to develop Zoom. The simplicity Yuan was so focused on (as he explains in the youtube video linked below) prompted the wave of early adopters during the adoption phase of the platform. With an installation process that was more user friendly than Zoom’s competitors, it drew much attention from corporations and schools.

๐Ÿ‘‚  ๐Ÿ‘‚

Listen to Zoom creator, Eric Yuan, for insight behind his journey

The value of a high functioning video conferencing platform is even greater today than it was at its first emergence almost twenty years ago. With the COVID-19 pandemic, Zoom has undergone an unpredictably rapid growth in users because of its adoption by schools, workplaces, and governments to shift their daily functions online. Whereas before the pandemic, Zoom was moderately successful, the software is now widely considered to be much more functional and “better” than Skype or Webex. 

๐Ÿ”Ž ๐Ÿ”

Check out the link above for more insight into Zoom’s strategy for success

With their users skyrocketing, Zoom has definitely transitioned as a technology into maturation because of the 3 million users throughout the world in a matter of eight years. While unprecedented, Zoom has been able to keep up with the sudden influx of participants effectively, and continues to improve the platform, so it is likely Zoom is here to stay. Another factor of its continued success even as we transition out of the pandemic is the reliance educators now have in the platform. As many forms of education shift to be online permanently and even forms of meetings such as interviews or board meetings will be held through Zoom in the future, the platform will continue to fulfill the innovation diffusion theory approaching saturation. It is inevitable that late adopters and laggards will be forced to download and use Zoom or a similar platform because of the technologically reliant direction our society is moving towards. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A New Type of Relationship Status: What is Your Status With Technology?

As I wake up each morning to the sound of my alarm, I do not think about how fascinating it is that just fourteen years ago, iPhones were not even on the market. Carrying out my daily routine, I prepare for lacrosse practice by checking the weather using multiple apps on my phone, filling out my wellness questions regarding my sleep and soreness, and answering the Arms Software form as a health screening implemented because of the pandemic. When I get in my car to drive to Vert Stadium, I connect my phone through bluetooth technology and play my favorite pump-up songs to get in my zone and “like” my coach’s message in the Groupme app saying that film will be in the locker room to start off practice for the morning. After practice I catch up on my emails, fill out my online rate of perceived exertion form answering questions about my exertion level that day on the field, text my athletic trainer for a time to come in for treatment to relieve my back pain, and fill out the University’s daily wellness questionnaire. All before 10 am on a typical day, I use my phone in a wide variety of ways and many of which assess and track my daily wellbeing. All without being aware of the extent of my reliance on technology.

This relationship I have with technology has become one of necessity because so many requirements I have to meet each day or correspondences I have with others depend on using my device to send information efficiently. Unlike most young adults in my age demographic however, I actively limit my daily use of social media and the number of social media platforms I use at one time. Though I like to stay connected with friends across the world which has been very easy with the ability to check anyone’s social media account in a matter of seconds, I have found the people I am closest with will reach out via text or a phone call regardless of the physical distance between us. So even though I use different media platforms to stay connected with others, the primary role of media and technology as a whole in my life is its use for daily tasks and academic or professional correspondence. I am very selective of the social media platforms I create a profile on, and have never made accounts on many popular social media such as TikTok or Vine even when that source may be considered “all the rage”. My visits to my Facebook and Twitter pages are very rare and I hardly ever post on Instagram or Snapchat which are all private accounts anyway. With these precautions I have taken to protect my identity and information, I would say my digital footprint is a clean one. 

๐Ÿ”For more information on how to protect your digital footprint, this article from Allstate  ๐Ÿ”

 Identity Protection provides great step-by-step actions you can take!  

My parents raised me to be very mindful of the content I share on the internet and my lacrosse coaches are always checking our team’s social media accounts for content that could be considered inappropriate for any reason big or small. With emphasis on the care I should take in protecting my digital footprint coming from many areas of my life, I have never attempted to share something that could paint a negative image of me in the slightest. In this way, I have come to despise many aspects of social media because now, schools and companies can discipline students and employees for their actions on social media. Every time technology and social media become more intertwined in how we function daily, the distinction between who we are in person and who we are on the internet can become more blurred. While technology has the potential to serve as a platform where people can promote their perspectives, technology also has the potential to enable people to portray a different or inaccurate depiction of themselves. Where one picture with an innocent cup in the background has been seen in recent years to cause termination in the workplace or from collegiate teams and ruin the digital footprint by harming someone’s character, a picture could also spread a positive message to millions, and even impact someone’s life. With these consequences in mind, I have found value in finding a balance between maintaining professionalism on social media in the instance a future potential employer decides to peruse my digital footprint and staying connected with distant friends and family who look to my social media platforms as a way to keep up with my activities and accomplishments.

From, The New York Times, this article provides an example from January ⥢ 

this year, when a high school cheerleader faced punishments from her school because of her actions on the internet

My online presence because of my caution with my activity and posts online is a very professional image. When searching my name on Google, you will likely find several articles about my involvement with lacrosse both in high school and today, along with my successes in Varsity golf, my LinkedIn or Facebook profile, and maybe even a few highlight videos from 2017 on Youtube. Though this footprint can be categorized as a positive reflection of who I am, I am still astonished at the amount of information anyone could learn about me by simply typing my first and last name into a search engine. In this way, technology has made evaluating candidates for a job, admissions acceptance, and recruitment much easier because the field of candidates can be narrowed down in a matter of minutes depending on that candidate's digital footprint. 

I like to consider the saying “everything in moderation” when contemplating my activity on social media and my overall use of technology. Like any challenge we are faced with in life, technology presents many benefits while also creating many new obstacles users are presented with. Oftentimes we make rash decisions in the heat of a moment whether it be out of happiness or anger, forgetting the lasting impact one post can have and the permanence online actions carry. Technology gives the opportunity for an ordinary person to become an overnight sensation, influencer, or celebrity; but there is also the risk of becoming exposed to the world for an offensive comment that surfaces from years ago when Facebook was first launched. Both of these scenarios have frequented the media as awareness of the internet’s permanence increases which I have seen makes people more aware, mindful, and conscious of the effect a post could have. I have also seen people become more strategic by using popular social media platforms for fundraising by using the technology Venmo to easily donate small sums of money and even politely and directly request donations from connections through Venmo. The pandemic has especially inspired such creativity to replace events that could not be held safely and still be successful. 

Bingo Boards like the example to the left have been a common way non-profits, sororities, and athletic teams advertise their cause and raise money for the cause. During my lacrosse team’s fundraising efforts for the organization we work with closely, Friends of Jaclyn, I posted this Bingo board on my instagram and received many Venmo donations, exceeding my fundraising goal. This method was efficient because the post was able to reach over 800 of my Instagram followers within 24 hours. With less than half of that number of contacts in my phone, I never would have been able to support the cause with generous donations, or spread awareness of the organization's mission to as many people as I did by using technology.


In moderation, the use of technology can foster creativity amongst the young, reliant generations to develop new solutions to problems the preceding generations were dealt. In excess, the use of technology could lead to further increase of mental illnesses stemming from social pressures, cyberbullying, and the lack of social skills seen in younger generations. As technology continues to develop, we must also develop the way we teach people to use social media. For successful verbal communicators in the future, we must instill the value of limiting daily use of technology to ensure technology's use benefits our society instead of becoming a hindrance.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

First Amendment

    Found expressly in the Constitution, our First Amendment rights are some of the strongest fundamental personal rights we have and while First Amendment protection is not absolute nor does it serve as a shield against laws of general applicability, it is important to preserve the idea of free speech in every aspect of our lives. With the growing popularity of using social media platforms to voice political views, the topic of free speech or expression on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, or Tik Tok has frequented headlines of news media. 

    The struggle advocates of free expression on social media are facing is based on the State Action Doctrine establishing that without government involvement, no constitutional claim can be made of a violation of First Amendment Rights because only the government can violate constitutional rights, so the First Amendment does not apply to private actors. Therefore, if a social media company decides to censor or ban a user from their platform, it has authority to do so without violating an individual's foundational right to free speech. 

    Though there has not been a violation of Constitutional rights found in censorship, it is interesting to consider why platforms like Twitter have chosen to silence, at the time, the President of the United States, and not the Chinese Communist party. I find even more curiosity in forming an answer to why media outlets and journalists in particular, are pushing for more censorship causing a herd mentality on several  censored platforms. Is the purpose of journalism not to voice all opinions and express all sides of stories journalists release? With this question in mind, I cannot seem to understand why journalists would want some people in the industry to be silenced for their views and others to have free expression without consequence.   

    ๐Ÿ’ฅResearch from the Pew Research Center provides an interesting study which ๐Ÿ’ฅ shows the difference between the people's political views and whether or not they feel their views have been censored by social media outlets. You can find this data in the link below!

    For another look into the censorship of social media platforms, the Freedom Forum Institute has created a detailed scale, ranking several social media sites on their censorship from low to high depending on categories or types of censorship. When it came to "misinformation" commonly referred to as "fake news", Youtube and Twitter had the highest levels of censorship.  

The U.S. Supreme Court

     Since 1789, the United States Supreme Court has transformed its role in legislation by interpreting the constitution and creating precedent with each decision the justices come to. The Supreme Court's specific power was established after its creation in 1803 when the Marshall Court was faced with the case Marbury v Madison. Their decision in this case was a turning point in history, because the Supreme Court used the principle of checks and balances to rule Madison's demand for SCOTUS as unconstitutional, and struck down the Judiciary Act of 1789 as unconstitutional for "extend[ing] the Court’s original jurisdiction beyond that which Article III, Section 2, established" according to the case's summary on Oyez. 

๐Ÿ“Œ To see more details regarding Marbury v Madison, its Oyez summary is a great source ๐Ÿ“Œ

    This case built the framework for the Supreme Court's present day purpose because it established Judicial Review as the court's power to deem all actions of parts of government and laws constitutional or not. Since Marbury v Madison, the Supreme Court has used judicial review to come to decisions on new cases concerning the constitutionality of actions the government has taken and set new precedents that impact future application of the constitution to those cases. 

    The Supreme court holds a very prestigious reputation because they are the final say in matters that progress to their level of jurisdiction. What the Supreme Court decides remains as that interpretation of the Constitution until another similar case is brought up through the court system or until congress passes a new law because SCOTUS usually acts with stare decisis. This principle means that once the Supreme Court makes a precedent, they do not want to stray from it to maintain consistency and stability throughout the nation. So, one decision can impact years of prosecution at the lower court level and lawmaking at the local, state, and federal levels. Such combination of precedent and stare decisis has been defined as judicial restraint meaning the Supreme Court chooses to show slow or no change at all in their interpretations of the Constitution. 

    Though many scholars argue for the Supreme Court to use Judicial Activism to create rapid change in law or overturn past precedent, it is important to consider the consequences such sweeping change could have. Our Constitution was intended to provide a stable and lasting government which would be threatened by too much inconsistency in law making and enforcement. It is within the power of Congress to carry the role of creating laws, which can be used to spark more rapid change, whereas the Supreme Court creates precedent case by case. 

๐Ÿ“Œ For more detail on the functions of the United States Supreme Court, this article from ๐Ÿ“Œ is a great source.  

Monday, March 1, 2021

The Illusory Truth Effect

    The Illusory Truth Effect is a phenomena we encounter every day whether we are aware of its influence over us or not. The effect happens through repetition, and is explained in an article by Psychology Today as "repeating a statement increases the belief that it’s true even when the statement is actually false"(Pierre, 2020). Such repetition of information increases the target audience's familiarity of the statement, and ultimately leads those people to believing what they are told. In a world where advertising bombards us on every media platform in existence, the Illusory Truth Effect is something everyone should be conscious of before putting their full faith into any piece of information posted on the internet. 

     Often unaware of the Illusory Effect's power over consumers, companies use the phenomena to their advantage as a marketing strategy. Catchy slogan's such as "Subway: Eat Fresh" or "M&M: Melts in Your Mouth" are just a few prominent examples of widely known slogans used by Subway and M&M because of their repetition on television commercials or other advertisements. Our learned association with Subway's ingredients being fresh, as we are told in their ad, has influenced thousands of consumers that their ingredients must be in fact, fresh. However, after being exposed in 2014, Subway announced they would be removing a certain chemical which was used in their bread. The same chemical used to make styrofoam, shoe soles, and yoga mats. Perhaps Subway isn't as fresh as they have claimed for years, but the slogan has been engrained in the minds of so many that it is hard for people even with prior knowledge of their faults to erase their slogan's permanent mark.  

❗For a closer look into Subway's exposure, check out the article below❗,signatures%20in%20a%20petition%20drive. 

       The Illusory Truth Effect is used in other aspects of our lives, especially in the realm of politics. Political campaigns are centered around a candidates appeal to the public, so their primary campaign platforms and slogans are repeated over the course of a campaign trail, to familiarize voters with their promises made to the people. By reaching targeted demographics of potential voters, slogans such as "Make America Great Again" and "Build Back Better" are repeated on social media platforms, at rallies, on merchandise, and in speeches to familiarize viewers with the platform. In the heat of political debates, those slogans are commonly used by candidates supporters who the slogans resonate with to defend their candidate of choice and provide reason for their support. 


    A more concerning aspect of the Illusory Truth Effect theory is that even when we hear information repeatedly from unreliable sources or false information altogether, we are still influenced into believing its truth because of our gained familiarity with the information. This may even cause us to discount new information, which may be true, which is also mentioned in the article above from Psychology Today. Even more shockingly, the Illusory truth effect impacts people most when someone perceives themselves to be knowledgeable of the topic OR even if the someone hearing the information has prior knowledge that that information is false. With this in mind, it is even more important for new information to spark skepticism in our thought process before placing trust into random online resources. 

           ❗For further insight into the use of political propaganda using the Illusory Truth Effect,                                                                 read this article from Psychology Today

    As you continue surrounding yourself with a tremendous amount of advertising and online influencing, I want to pose a challenge. Next time you see a claim made from an apposing viewpoint of your political beliefs, health ideologies, or even religious values, dig deeper into finding statistics or studies to provide more information before re-affirming your own thoughts. If we take that step, perhaps we will find more common ground amongst dividing topics in our nation. Maybe we will even discover for ourselves that we have fallen victim time and time again, to the clever sloganeering used by every successful marketing strategist in history. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Audio Technology Through the Decades

     From carrier pigeons to bluetooth, audio communication technology has never ceased to improve. Significant developments in communication devices were especially seen during periods of wartime when morse code became a prominent form of sending messages to and from distant locations quickly and securely during World War II. 

    A later wartime advancement was seen during the World War II time period as well through radio broadcast which surged in popularity as citizens listened, eager to learn what events were developing and how the nation was doing overseas. Even after the end of the war, there was a growing interest in radio broadcasts because of its entertainment qualities. 

    Though the radio show business saw a decline as other forms of spreading news entertainment surfaced like television and now social media platforms making earlier inventions such as the VCR and cassettes  

Sealed copy of 'Super Mario Bros. 2' sells for $88,550 in estate sale

Sealed copy of 'Super Mario Bros. 2' sells for $88,550 in estate sale By: Mary Sosebee  In our technologically innovated world, many...